The Karachi Chapter of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), a global, peer-to-peer network, recently hosted a Comedy Night with the 2nd Funniest Man in the World and renowned comedian Saad Haroon, exclusively for their members and spouses.
The event was attended by around 75 members and spouses, including Fahad Shoukat, President, EO Karachi Chapter, Noman Vohra Learning Chair & President Elect for 2016-17, Kashif Merchant, Communications Chair & Faizan Syed, Membership Chair from the current board.
“We have been consistently trying to host events with EO Karachi Chapter which offer our members entertainment, quality time out and a chance to interact within the peer group” said Mr. Fahad Shoukat, President, EO Karachi Chapter. “Since Saad Haroon’s repertoire is so interactive, it perfectly fits with our global objectives, as well as local tastes.”
The event was followed by dinner.