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Sindh government developed Google Map’s Traffic System, claims IT Minister

Google Maps Sindh Government
Ever wondered how Google Maps knows about traffic? Here is how it does that – very cute!

Taimur Talpur, the IT minister in the Sindh government recently claimed that they developed the traffic information system that Google uses in Google Maps. He said that those white and red lines you see in Google Maps were developed by the govt’s IT department.

While speaking in the Sindh Assembly on March 25, Talpur first referred to the government-backed FM 88.6 radio station to help travellers and guide them about traffic. He can be seen in the video – after the break – joking about some protest against PTI (the party sitting in federal govt). He was apparently praising their IT department for a real-time traffic information system when he went on to include Google Maps in his speech.

He included that the same system was then provided to Google that it used in its Google Maps. He kept on talking and informed the house about how Google Maps work. “When you do Google, you learn where in your way the traffic is. You learn about where the red line is and where the white line is.” The Sindh government has developed this and Google is making use of it. “you also make use of it,” he included.

Update: Taimur Talpur clarified to ARY news that it was on a lighter note and only worth laughing in the house.

Social media has already ridiculed the claim like it was nothing but some kind of joke. The tone of the social media users suggested that the IT ministry of the Sindh government is incapable of doing anything like that.

This article was first published at Tech Prolonged

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