In a surprising turn of events, renowned Pakistani singer Ali Sethi has taken to Instagram to vehemently deny the swirling rumors about his alleged same-sex marriage to artist Salman Toor. The speculation had ignited a whirlwind of discussions and debates on social media platforms, but Sethi’s recent statement seeks to put an end to the conjecture.
On his Instagram story, Ali Sethi shared a clear and concise message addressing the marriage rumors. He stated, “I am not married. I don’t know who started the rumor. But maybe they should help market my new release.” Accompanying his statement was a link to his latest release, a strategic move that has caught the attention of both his fans and critics.

The alleged news of Ali Sethi’s marriage to Salman Toor had gained momentum over a couple of days, with various social media platforms buzzing with conversations and speculations. The rumored event was touted as one of Pakistan’s pioneering same-sex marriages, stirring mixed reactions from netizens. While some embraced the possibility of such a union as a sign of progress, others expressed their concerns rooted in cultural and religious beliefs.
This turn of events not only puts the marriage rumors to rest but also highlights the power of social media in shaping narratives. Ali Sethi’s denial has elicited varied responses from his followers, with some expressing relief at the clarification and others playfully acknowledging his clever approach to promoting his new release.
The speed at which news, both accurate and speculative, spreads across digital platforms emphasizes the need for careful consideration and verification before forming opinions. The incident serves as a reminder of the impact that rumors can have on public discourse and the role of individuals in shaping the narrative by sharing accurate information.
While the marriage rumors have been officially debunked by Ali Sethi himself, the broader conversations around the topic persist. In conclusion, Ali Sethi’s swift denial of the alleged marriage rumors underscores the significance of accurate information in the age of social media.