Afridi deletes tweet after Former Chinese DCM quoted him of being misled by Western Propaganda

In the political world, if you say the most burning element for the west is the relationship between China and Pakistan, it won’t be incorrect. The most burning sensation was felt when the CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) got a speedy gear. The west has always tried every possible way to make things worse for this project. The most recent attempt was a Twitter trend that talked about China’s alleged atrocities against Muslims.

The topic wasn’t anything new as it usually used to pop up from nowhere and mostly end up with some questions and answers. But in recent days, the topic got on fire and instantly crossed over hundreds of thousands of tweets in a single trend. And there was more than one such trend focusing on the topic making it a possible stagged trend.

While the trends followed in Pakistan, most of the participants were from Hong Kong. I personally never witnessed any local trend (in Pakistan) with that big amount of participants and tweets. Even when some trends get initiated by the political parties’ social media teams, the numbers usually keep lower.

So, somehow the recent trend about Uighur Muslims got the attention of our beloved, Shahid Afridi. He just jumped in and tagged Prime Minister Khan in a tweet and asked him to speak up for Chinese Muslims.

Only a few hours later, Lijian Zhao — the former Chinese Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in Pakistan, quoted the former captain and welcomed him to Xinjiang to have a look himself.

Zhao has always been active on Twitter to promote the China-Pakistan relationship. He actively responds to questions that are raised on Twitter, no matter who asks for it. This time was no different when he politely told Afridi as if he might have been misled by the western propaganda.

It wasn’t late that Shahid Afridi took his tweet off without any argument. But a Twitter user thinks he should have apologized along with the removal of his tweet.

We believe there is no need for an argument when he has withdrawn his tweet. But a formal response should have been better to tell if he was mistaken or misled by the criticizing Twitter trends.