After revealing on its Twitter handle a day ago, Vivo today confirmed the upcoming launch of its flagship X series’ smartphone — X80, on May 16, 2022. The smartphone was first launched in China in April and followed a global launch starting in Malaysia. The X80 is also set to launch in India next week.
The most awaited X80 will be embedded with the V1+ Chip. The chip is a fully customized integrated circuit chip dedicated to imaging and video applications with leading-edge visual quality. This marks the company’s first breakthrough in independent R&D and chip design.
The Imaging Chip V1+ meets user needs by optimizing smartphone application scenarios. Furthermore, the upcoming smartphone will also be empowered by ZEISS Optics, with all lenses meeting ZEISS T* Coating standards. The feature can reduce light reflection and in turn reduce stray light to assist capture the world clearly and in true colors.
With the X80, consumers will also witness the marvels of the ZEISS Professional Video features. It includes ZEISS Cinematic Video Bokeh which helps shoot professional videos with styles good enough for the big screen. It accurately reproduces the effects of ZEISS film lenses and creates unique oval flares in videos and photos. The AI Video Enhancement, backed by the V1+ Chip, automatically recognizes and enhances night scene video.
A fun feature supposedly added to the upcoming device is the Time-Lapse. This feature applies video frame extraction, large-range hyper-lapse, and other means to increase image clarity and dynamic range, thus capturing natural time-lapse moments. Vivo has also included 360° Horizon Leveling Stabilization that maintains stability even when the subject rotates during extremely sporty moments.
Mr. Zohair Chohan, Director of Brand Strategy at Vivo Pakistan, on the upcoming arrival of Vivo X80 in Pakistan said, “We are extremely excited to bring the next X series smartphone to the market because of the smartphone’s professional-grade camera system among other features. Our continued partnership with ZEISS for Vivo’s X series smartphones gives the camera system a strategic stamp, given ZEISS’s expertise in optical technology.”
With each Vivo smartphone, that partnership has only elevated through creative technological innovation. The X80 will be no less, to users, the smartphone will enhance the ability of professional videography and photography. Another innovation that precedes its reputation is Vivo’s V1+ Chip that’ll be a massive addition to Vivo achieving professional smartphone photography. We hope that smartphone enthusiasts are equally excited to explore and unfurl the magic of this device.
Zohair Chohan added